Car subwoofer. Subwoofer. What is this? It's not just about the bass

Recently, more and more car owners have shown interest in installing a high-quality audio system in their car. This interest is due to the fact that you have to spend more and more time in the car, and your favorite music can significantly brighten up the process of driving or standing in a traffic jam (spending time in the garage, in nature or wherever). At the same time, many car owners are interested in their car having not just sound, but high-quality and complete sound. But high-quality car audio is a whole complex of various works on selecting the necessary components, finding installation locations in the car, installing and configuring all components. Each component of the speaker system plays its important role in the process of building high-quality car sound, but today we will talk about only one of them - the car subwoofer.

In this article the reader will not find:

Information on how to “do-it-yourself” install a subwoofer
information on how to make your own subwoofer enclosure
the name of the “ideal subwoofer”
information on how to cheaply select and install the “best” subwoofer

But you can find:

General information about what a subwoofer is and why it is needed
description of the characteristics of subwoofer speakers
description of subwoofer types, cabinet designs
comparison of different options according to some indicators
information on the manufacture of enclosures for subwoofers
information about subwoofer installation options
information about the range and cost of subwoofers
information about installing and configuring subwoofers

What is a subwoofer?

The subwoofer is the audio system component that receives the most noticeable interest in the field of car audio. After all, even a person who does not have the slightest idea about sound is able to describe the functionality of a subwoofer (even without any specifics). Consequently, almost any car owner is able to decide for himself whether he needs a subwoofer in his car or not.

Any speaker system consists of one or more speakers. Each speaker, depending on its characteristics, is capable of reproducing a certain range of frequencies. It is believed that a person is able to perceive the sound range within the range of 20 - 20,000 Hz. From this range, high frequencies (HF), medium frequencies (MF) and low frequencies (LF) are distinguished. Our future subwoofer, as is quite clear, will be responsible for low frequencies.

That is, it turns out that our subwoofer is a very ordinary speaker, the same as all the other speakers in the car, except that, due to its characteristics, it is responsible for reproducing low frequencies. Obviously, the car must have other speakers that will cover high and mid frequencies - it is in this case that we can talk about full-fledged sound.

The need for a subwoofer and general information on selection

Let's try to answer a very simple question - is this subwoofer needed in a car? We'll try... but as always we won't be able to give the only correct answer. Everything, as always, depends on each individual car owner. In addition, the determining factor will be whether the speaker system is built from scratch or simply supplemented with a subwoofer. Let's consider each of these options separately.

If the system is built from scratch, then this gives the car owner quite a wide scope for choice and action. It is possible to correctly select all the necessary acoustics and the subwoofer itself in order to hear exactly what you want. But there is one important nuance here - the car owner will immediately need to decide what kind of bass he needs. For most car owners, a completely ordinary subwoofer is enough (although the concept is quite vague, but still), which will provide standard bass and well complement the overall sound picture. For some, only a small replay will be enough, so the simplest, most compact and inexpensive subwoofer will do. Some people need the most powerful bass, so the focus in the audio system will be on the subwoofer. It is also worth paying attention to this point - some acoustics play a certain low-frequency range, which may be quite enough for some car owners. That is, a subwoofer is simply not needed, since you will be able to get the necessary sound and not overpay for an unnecessary component of the audio system.

But the audio system can be supplemented with a subwoofer. Here you will also need to pay attention to what exactly you want to get from the subwoofer. The most important thing here is to choose the right subwoofer to match the rest of the acoustics so that the audio system sounds harmonious. The following errors are very common:

Having poor acoustics, the car owner hopes that an installed subwoofer will correct this deficiency. It won't fix it. Even if you manage to achieve the necessary lows, the high and mid frequencies will still be played terribly, and the whole complex will be a kind of “mess”.

A more/less powerful subwoofer is installed than required by the rest of the audio system. In the case of a more powerful subwoofer (and not very powerful, even high-quality, acoustics), it turns out that the subwoofer drowns out everything, interrupting all other components. Or the car owner has good and powerful acoustics installed, under which (due to a desire to save money, for example) a small, low-power subwoofer is installed - the necessary lows may simply not be obtained, thereby throwing money down the drain.

Standard subwoofers

It is worth clarifying that some standard audio systems are already equipped with a subwoofer, so the car owner simply eliminates the need for additional installations. But there is one negative point here - the absence of any choice, since the sound will be exactly as it was intended by the audio system developer. Since a system with a subwoofer is provided, as a rule, in rather expensive car trim levels, it is unlikely that one would say that the system is of poor quality. No, it will be of high quality, and it will almost certainly be enough for most owners of such cars. But there are also a number of car owners for whom this will not be enough. Still, the local subwoofer is unlikely to please lovers of powerful bass, so you’ll have to look for a solution on the side.

Let's start choosing

If the car owner decides that he needs a subwoofer in his car, then he proceeds directly to the choice. This procedure is not easy, since there are a huge number of nuances that need to be paid attention to in order for the result to meet the car owner’s expectations. If a car owner understands how it is necessary to select a car subwoofer for musical preferences, the car body, other acoustics, and so on, then he will not have any problems - he will most likely get exactly the sound that he was striving for. Otherwise, you have the following options:

Buy a car subwoofer at random (by shape/color/size/power, etc.)
read the internet or ask friends
consult with specialists at the installation center before installation

The first option is the simplest. A subwoofer can simply be selected based on some criterion - manufacturer, price, size, power, or any other reason. In this case, he will almost certainly cope well with his duties, since the car owner is unlikely to place high demands on him. In fact, this will not be the best investment.

The second option is especially interesting. It’s a very natural thing to ask friends/acquaintances who have already acquired a subwoofer. It is possible that the advice will be practical, which will really facilitate the selection process. But the advice will almost certainly be quite subjective, since only the taste of the adviser will be taken into account, which cannot always be successfully applied in other conditions. But the option of searching for the necessary information on the Internet looks much more interesting. After all, the Internet is now developed quite well, so you can really find a lot of different information. But the main problem here is that the quality of most texts is very questionable. A significant part of the texts that should attract the visitor to the queries “how to choose” simply copy each other (so simple and familiar “rewriting”) and often occupy the first couple of pages in search engine results. Some of the information in such texts is similar to the truth, some is of dubious quality, and some is complete nonsense. In addition, rewriting implies the “broken phone” effect. Someone once voiced a rather abstract percentage on which the cost of a car's sound system should be based. After that, through a rather stupid rewrite, it turns into something like:

Looking for recommendations on forums, blogs or social networks is also a very dual approach. You may come across a person who will take into account a certain number of factors and preferences of the car owner and give really practical advice. But, again, you will almost certainly only be able to get a series of heterogeneous subjective advice.

It turns out that, at best, the car owner will simply fill his head with useless information that will not be put to good use. It’s worse if the car owner goes to the seller or installation center with this information. And if the seller is quite vague about what to sell to you, then the installation center specialists may be a little surprised by the desire to “install a subwoofer because you’re tired of the tweeters.” The phrase “I read that...” most often does not lead to a mutually beneficial result - when the car owner wants to get high-quality car audio, and the installation center specialists want to help him with this.

The third option involves a much more competent approach. Someone will say that all installation centers only care about profit, so they are ready to install anything. But in reality this is not entirely true. Profit is, of course, good. But if the client is satisfied, he will come again and even recommend to friends. And, naturally, vice versa. So it is simply not profitable for installation centers to lose future clients by acting unprofessionally.

The opinion that sellers and installers want to “rip off” the client most often consists of approximately the following cases:

The client wants to build a high-quality system with a subwoofer for 10 thousand rubles.
a client wants to install a Magnat subwoofer on an expensive and prestigious car for 2,500 rubles
the client does not believe that the equipment read on the forum will not play normally

But the main responsibility of the installation center specialist is to explain what can be obtained and for what money. You can really install anything, but claims regarding sound quality will then fall on the installation center. No, there are many unscrupulous sellers and installation centers who will sell and install anything, and it will be played “best of all”... but here as elsewhere. But it is obvious that installation centers have much more experience in the selection and installation of equipment, so the client can quickly understand how much money is needed to satisfy his acoustic preferences.

The fact is that there is no single correct approach to choosing this or that equipment. There are only a number of recommendations that it is advisable to take into account. Reading a lot of information on the Internet will almost certainly only confuse the car owner. It is much easier to find a good installation center and immediately achieve the desired result than to spend a lot of time getting advice and reading various recommendations... including those indicated in this article :) Well, this is an option for those who save their time. Well, if the desire to read the information still remains, then let’s continue... that is, let’s start.

Brief description of subwoofer types, enclosures and installation options

Let's take a quick look at the different types of subwoofers and enclosures.

Separation by design:

Separate subwoofer speaker
subwoofer speaker in housing

Case options are divided into two main types:

Passive subwoofer
active subwoofer

Housing options for cabinet subwoofers:

Closed box
with bass reflex

Options for active subwoofer enclosures:

Regular case
compact body

Options for installing a separate subwoofer speaker:

Making the body (trapezoid)
production of anatomical body (stealth version)
free-air execution

Box subwoofers

Let's take a closer look at the two available options - passive and active subwoofers.

Passive car subwoofer

A passive subwoofer is a system that consists of a subwoofer speaker mounted on one of the walls of the housing. The main distinguishing feature of a passive subwoofer is that it is an intermediate system that will not work on its own. To operate this system, you will need to connect the speaker to an external power amplifier (sold separately). The design can include either one or two speakers. The enclosure for a subwoofer speaker can come in a variety of shapes and designs. Quite a large selection of manufacturers, shapes and designs.

Active car subwoofer

An active subwoofer is a system that, in addition to a subwoofer speaker in the housing (passive subwoofer), is also equipped with a power amplifier. In fact, an active subwoofer is a ready-made system that does not require the purchase and installation of additional equipment (you will need a set of wires for connection, if it is not included in the kit, and you may also need a converter to convert the signal when connecting to a standard radio). The range of active subwoofers is not as extensive as that of their passive counterparts. In terms of body volume, two options can be distinguished:

A regular case is often comparable in size to passive subwoofers (with the difference that an amplifier is installed inside the case), that is, a certain volume is provided for the subwoofer speaker.

Compact housing – minimal housing dimensions, which allows for the most compact installation. The slim speaker does not have the required volume.

Car subwoofer housing designs

Closed box

The simplest design - there is a completely sealed box with a single space, on one of the walls of which a subwoofer speaker is attached. Despite the simplicity of the design, this housing option is exactly the option that allows you to get high-quality bass. Here, much will depend on the size of the case, that is, on the volume provided for the subwoofer speaker. With the minimum required volume, the movement of the diffuser will be difficult, which will also affect the range of reproduced frequencies (it will not be able to reproduce frequencies at the minimum limits), but the bass will be as dense and clear as possible. It is in this version that we can talk about reproducing high-quality bass. The larger the closed volume provided for the speaker, the easier the movement of the diffuser will be, which will allow you to touch a larger frequency range and get more powerful bass. But in this version, the bass will be more “blurred”, losing clarity with a further increase in volume.

With bass reflex

But increasing the volume of the body for more powerful bass is not the most optimal option, since the amount of free space in a car is quite limited. Therefore, an option with an outlet port (slit, pipe) was proposed. This results in more powerful bass. But, as in the case of increasing the volume of a closed box, increasing efficiency negatively affects the quality of the bass, making it more “blurred”.


But the desire to create an even more powerful sound led to the emergence of an even more complex body design. In fact, this is the same bass reflex design, but there is an internal partition that divides the body into two chambers. It is on this partition that the speaker is fixed. This design allows you to create even louder sound. But in this case it is almost impossible to talk about the quality of the bass, only about its power.

Subwoofer speakers for cars

There is a wide range of subwoofer speakers on sale that are not installed in a cabinet. When purchasing a separate subwoofer speaker, most often this means the subsequent manufacture of a housing for this speaker, as well as the installation of a power amplifier under the speaker. And although this option, in most cases, is the most expensive in terms of time and money, it has a number of undeniable advantages (more on them below). For now, briefly about the options for installing a separate speaker.

Making the body (trapezoid)

A regular housing is made for the speaker, which makes it possible to select the optimal volume for the speaker and adjust the dimensions to the volume of the installation location. Various housing design options are possible, but most often it is a ZYA.

Making a stealth hull

Installation of such housings involves installation in any of the niches of the car (most often the luggage compartment wings). The most optimal option for the most compact installation of a powerful subwoofer.

Free-air execution

In this design, the housing is excluded, the presence of which characterizes all other types of design and installation of the subwoofer, and the speaker “plays” into the open volume. The greatest effect is achieved when installing such a speaker in a reinforced sedan trunk shelf with good sealing of the latter. There is also an option when the speaker is installed in the case with the magnet facing outward - the cooling of the system is improved, which allows the speaker to operate longer at indicators close to peak values. But if there is at least some interest in high-quality and correct sound, then it’s better not to think about free-air performance.

Passive vs Active vs Separate speaker

Pros and cons of buying a passive subwoofer for a car

+ high quality and powerful bass
+ optimal price-quality ratio

- Need a separate power amplifier
- takes up a lot of space in the trunk

Pros and cons of buying an active subwoofer for a car

+ ready-made system with the easiest installation
+ the most financially profitable option
+ compact installation
+ some subwoofers produce quite good bass

- very mediocre bass, and in some cases its virtual absence

Pros and cons of buying a subwoofer speaker for a car

+ when making a housing for a speaker - the opportunity to get the most correct bass
+ the ability to manufacture a body of the required volume, shape and design
+ when making a stealth case - the opportunity to get a compact installation and the necessary bass

- with free-air installation - a very dubious result
- in the manufacture of “trapezoidal” and “stealth” type cases - the most expensive option in terms of time and finances

Technical characteristics of car subwoofers

When buying a subwoofer, naturally, you should pay attention to the characteristics of the equipment. Here we can highlight the following:

Peak (maximum) power, W

This is precisely the indicator whose purpose is to attract the attention of a buyer who needs “more and cheaper.” After all, when choosing a subwoofer, many car owners, first of all, pay attention to the power indicator, since they want to “shatter” their vehicle with bass, catching the admiring glances of friends and passers-by. And speaker manufacturers are trying in every possible way to concentrate the buyer’s gaze on an indicator that has nothing to do with the power that our speaker will actually deliver. And it turns out that here you have 1 kW, or better yet 2 or 3, but this is simply the indicator at which physical destruction of the speaker will not occur within a certain time. But our goal is long-term speaker performance and decent bass, so this indicator is not for us. In fact, this figure may be three times higher than what we actually get.

Rated power, W

But the manufacturer will try not to focus on this indicator, as it will be less impressive. But it is precisely this power that a buyer who wants to get high-quality bass should count on - it is this indicator that will characterize the optimal sound without distortion that a particular speaker can produce. Naturally, it is possible to use the speaker at higher powers without any noticeable distortion, but, as a rule, these higher performance without noticeable distortion are still closer to nominal, rather than peak, performance. Since most car owners who decide to acquire a car subwoofer do not require any exorbitant power, figures of 200-300 W can be considered optimal.

The following point is very noteworthy here. With expensive, high-quality speakers, the difference between nominal and peak power is usually not as noticeable as with cheap speakers. This is an indicator that a high-quality speaker at higher powers can produce bass that is more optimal in quality, that is, its rated power is much closer to its peak performance. At the same time, the peak power of cheaper speakers may exceed the same indicators of more expensive speakers, but the rated power will be lower, that is, an expensive speaker will still produce more powerful bass with high-quality reproduction.

Sensitivity, dB

Also quite an interesting indicator. The higher this indicator, the louder our speaker will be. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that volume can negatively affect sound quality.

Reproducible frequency range, Hz

Since we are talking about a subwoofer speaker, the range in question is reduced to approximately 20-200 Hz. Naturally, the deeper bass a car owner requires, the more careful attention should be paid to the lower limit of the speaker’s frequency range. But a lot will depend on the housing in which the speaker is located (especially if it is made separately for the speaker), as well as on the volume in which the cabinet subwoofer is located, since this will affect the ability to play certain frequencies.

Diffuser diameter, inch

This is probably the second most important indicator for most buyers, which many directly associate with the power of the subwoofer. The most common sizes are 8”, 10”, 12”, 15”, although there is some variation, both smaller and larger. Naturally, the smaller our diffuser, the less powerful bass our speaker can produce. But as in any similar issue, there are optimal sizes that will allow you to achieve the sound that will suit most car owners. And it’s probably worth starting from them, namely: you need a slightly less powerful bass – 10”, a little more powerful – 12”. If someone simply needs a speaker with a cone diameter of 15 or even 18 inches, then there may be problems with the consistency of the bass and all other components of the audio system.

This is worth paying attention to

Dependence on the car body

The same subwoofer will play differently in different cars. If we talk about sedans, then in addition to the housing in which the speaker is located, the trunk volume will act as a second volume. In the case of station wagons and SUVs, the second volume will be the volume of the entire cabin. That is, the same car subwoofer will play quieter in a sedan and louder in a station wagon and SUV. So, for installation in a sedan, it is advisable to select a slightly more powerful subwoofer than in the case of other bodies.


A powerful subwoofer creates pressure unusual for a car, due to which vibration and rattling of individual elements can be felt. And this will significantly worsen the sound of the entire speaker system. It is advisable to carry out a number of works in advance to soundproof either the entire interior (and trunk, if we are talking about sedans), or its individual elements. But in relation to sedans, you may encounter an “overdamped” trunk, that is, it will be very well isolated from the passenger compartment. In this case, you may not get the bass that is expected from the installed subwoofer. In such a situation, it is advisable to make “enlightenments”, such as an open armrest or a hole in the trunk shelf.

Dependence on other acoustics

As mentioned earlier, it is worth paying attention to the rest of the acoustics, since very often there are situations where the purchased subwoofer cannot meet the expectations of the car owner. Very often, from the desire to make it “more powerful,” it turns out that the subwoofer completely interrupts the sound of all other acoustics. But there is also the opposite situation, when you have good and powerful acoustics, but decide to save money on a subwoofer.

Choosing an amplifier for a subwoofer

It is also worth choosing the right amplifier for our subwoofer (if we are talking about a subwoofer speaker or a passive subwoofer). As a rule, the power rating of the amplifier should match the power rating of the subwoofer, although it is desirable that it be somewhat higher than that of the subwoofer (so that the amplifier does not strain).

Manufacturing of subwoofer enclosures

There is a huge range of subwoofer speakers on the market that are sold without housings. The purchase of such a speaker involves either free-air installation (for example, in a shelf with a connection to an external power amplifier), or the subsequent manufacture of a housing for a subwoofer speaker. Housings are manufactured in the following two types:

Trapezoid body– a regular trapezoidal body, which is also installed in the trunk of a car.

Stealth case- an anatomical body that is installed in any of the niches of the car (usually the wings of the luggage compartment), repeating the geometry of this niche.

One might wonder: what is all this for? After all, there are a great many subwoofers in factory housings, so there seems to be no need to waste extra time and money. But this approach, in addition to time and financial disadvantages, has a number of noticeable advantages:

Only high-quality materials are used in production (many manufacturers skimp on this, which affects the sound quality);

Adjusting the sound to the needs of the car owner (any speaker can be placed in a housing of various sizes and configurations, which will affect the nature of the bass produced);

Required body shape (for a more compact installation, the required shape can be made without loss of sound quality);

Possibility of reupholstering the body (you can reupholster the body with any necessary material to match the design of the car interior);

The most compact installation (applies to “stealth” type enclosures, which occupy the smallest free volume, without losing sound quality).

Installation locations and location of car subwoofers

There are several places where a subwoofer is installed.

Trunk- the most standard place for installation, largely due to the presence of the largest free volume in the car. There are several installation options, including:

Installing a cabinet subwoofer with a diffuser in the trunk- the most common option, when the subwoofer is located anywhere in the trunk. The character of the bass will largely depend on the car body. Types of installed subwoofers - any passive subwoofer, active subwoofers in conventional enclosures, made for trapezoid-type enclosure speakers.

Installing a cabinet subwoofer with a diffuser in the interior- a rarer installation option, when the housing is installed with a diffuser in the rear armrest of the car. This option is typical only for sedan-type cars and allows you to get more detailed bass, although much will depend on the volume of the body and the design features of the armrest. This installation option, as a rule, is typical exclusively for housings manufactured separately for speakers, the design of which involves tilting the front wall of the housing to match the tilt of the rear seats of the car and the precise outlet of the diffuser into the armrest. It is quite difficult to select a passive or active subwoofer (in a regular case) for these purposes, although there are options for installing a compact active subwoofer in the armrest (attached to the rear back of the seats).

Installing a subwoofer in the luggage compartment wing with a diffuser in the trunk- the most suitable option for achieving high-quality bass at a minimum cost of free trunk space. For this purpose, a “stealth” housing is made into one of the walls of the luggage compartment of the car. The shape of this body follows the geometry of the trunk wall, which allows you to achieve a harmonious appearance. The shape of the case depends on the speaker installed in it and the volume required for the speaker.

Installing a subwoofer in the luggage compartment wing with a basket in the trunk- a rather rare installation option, describing one of the free-air versions (installation of a separate subwoofer speaker). The installation is identical to the previous option, except that the speaker is installed with a diffuser inside the housing. This installation is used when it is not possible to manufacture a housing with the required volume for the speaker and the need for long-term operation of the system at increased power.

Installing a subwoofer speaker in the trunk shelf- the most common version of free-air execution. The subwoofer speaker is mounted on a reinforced trunk shelf with a diffuser into the cabin (this option is typical for sedans). Many car owners are attracted to this option by the desire to achieve “the most powerful and loud bass,” although this setting has nothing to do with high-quality bass.

Space under the car seat- this option is typical exclusively for active subwoofers in compact enclosures. Many car owners who do not need “powerful bass” are inclined to this option.

If we are talking about larger vehicles (for example, minibuses), then some other options are possible. Here, for example, there are options for installing a subwoofer under the seats (passenger) or between the seats (front driver and passenger). And we are not talking about compact active subwoofers at all, but about full-fledged passive or active subwoofers (very often the free volume allows for such an installation). As a rule, a housing is made for the subwoofer speaker, which harmoniously occupies the required volume under the seat (or the volume has to be modified for installation).

Manufacturers, range and cost of subwoofers

When purchasing a subwoofer, as expected, the buyer will have a choice from several dozen manufacturers - Alpine, Eton, Focal, Hertz, JBL, Kicker, Pioneer, Sony and many others. And although it can be said that subwoofers from some manufacturers are more musical, while others are designed for power, there is no clear distinction, especially since everyone hears and perceives differently. And since many people notice that some new lines from individual manufacturers sound completely different than they seemed to expect, there is no point in trying to describe the sound features of equipment from certain manufacturers.

Subwoofer speakers

Here the client is faced with a simply huge choice - hundreds of speakers with cone diameters from 5 to 18 inches. That is, the buyer can choose absolutely any speaker according to its characteristics and make any necessary installation of this speaker - either in an open volume or in any of the manufactured housings. The most common speakers with a cone diameter are 12 and 10 inches, slightly less - 8 and 15 inches. Naturally, the choice is tailored to consumers with completely different wallet thicknesses - offers start from 1,000 rubles and go up to 50,000 rubles for one speaker. But if you want to get at least some decent bass, then options cheaper than 3,000 rubles are not even worth considering (although the size of the diffuser and the cost of the speaker are far from the only parameters by which you should choose a speaker).

Active subwoofers

The choice of active subwoofers is not as huge as in the case of individual subwoofer speakers, but the buyer is still unlikely to be in any way limited in choice. If we talk about compact active subwoofers, then almost the entire range comes with 8-inch speakers and other sizes are very rare. For conventional active subwoofers, the most common sizes are 10 and 12 inches, although other sizes can be found if desired. The lower cost limit of active subwoofers is higher than that of individual speakers, and it starts from about 3,000 rubles. But this is not surprising, since an active subwoofer, unlike a separate speaker, is a full-fledged acoustic system consisting of a speaker in the housing and a built-in power amplifier. A quite good active subwoofer (not compact) can be purchased in the range of 7-12 thousand rubles (closer to the lower limit - 8", closer to the upper - 12").

Passive subwoofers

There is also a fairly good selection of subwoofer boxes with different characteristics, shapes and designs. There is a slightly larger assortment among bass reflex subwoofers, a smaller one is a closed box, and an even smaller one is bandpass. At the same time, in subwoofers with any housing design, speaker sizes of 10 and 12 inches predominate. The price range here ranges from 2,000 to 40,000 rubles, although in the highest price category, as a rule, there are powerful subwoofers with two speakers.

Installation and configuration of subwoofers

As it should be, choosing and purchasing a subwoofer speaker or a subwoofer in an enclosure is only the first stage on the path to achieving bass in a car. The second stage is the installation of the purchased speaker (cabinet subwoofer). If we talk about the total cost of “equipment + installation”, then from minimum to maximum the options go as follows (at some average cost of equipment):

Active subwoofer + installation
passive subwoofer + amplifier + installation
speaker + amplifier + free-air installation
speaker + trapezoid body manufacturing + amplifier + installation
speaker + stealth case manufacturing + amplifier + installation

It is worth noting that in the case of a passive subwoofer that requires an external power amplifier, installation will only be required for the amplifier, since the subwoofer will simply be connected to the amplifier. And although some installation centers may charge a small amount for connecting the subwoofer to the amplifier, the main burden of installation will fall on the amplifier.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that after installation, the subwoofer will need to be adjusted so that it produces its optimal sound, coexisting harmoniously with all the other acoustics. There are several attributes that require adjustment, but one that stands out is the frequency limit setting. Every speaker has a range of frequencies that it can reproduce. When choosing a car subwoofer, many pay attention to the lower frequency limit, since it is this that will be responsible for the depth of our bass. But there is also an upper limit, which can be 150, 200 or even 300 Hz - that is, without adjustment, our speaker will reproduce its entire frequency range. But it is understood that, in addition to the subwoofer, there are other speakers in the car, which have their own reproduced frequency ranges, and it is very desirable that the ranges from different speakers do not overlap each other. That is, it will be very useful for us to know the lower limit of our cabin speakers. If these are midrange speakers, then their lower frequency limit, as a rule, is at the level of 60-80 Hz, so it is at these frequencies that we can cut the sound of our subwoofer speaker. Although, according to the taste of the car enthusiast, a slight overlap is possible. If mid-bass (mid/low-frequency acoustics) are installed in the cabin, then its lower frequency limit may correspond to the lower frequency limit of the subwoofer speaker. In this case, two options are possible:

Or the midbass frequency limit is cut to 60-80 Hz and it produces everything higher (and the subwoofer speaker, accordingly, everything lower)

Or the midbass, being set to the front, continues to play in a wide band, while the subwoofer speaker is cut at the same 60-80 Hz.

There is no clear rule, since much will depend on the acoustics and tastes of the car owner, so everything is done extremely simply: we adjust - listen, then adjust again - listen again, and so on until we achieve the required sound.


As has been said many times above, it all depends on what the car owner wants to get and how much he is willing to spend on it. If you don’t want to understand all the nuances that will accompany the choice, it is better to contact a specialized installation center. If we are chosen as the installation center, then the car owner can be sure that the professional recommendations of our technicians will help him make his choice, and the high qualifications of our installers will allow him to quickly and efficiently carry out all the necessary installation work.

What is a subwoofer? Essentially, a passive subwoofer is a speaker that is connected to a computer or speaker system. It is capable of reproducing low-frequency sounds (from five to two hundred Hz). There are passive and active subwoofers. This affects their ability to transmit sound.

For a good audio system sound, one large speaker is enough, which can be placed under the table for convenience. By choosing the most suitable location for placing the subwoofer, you can try to dampen the standing low-frequency waves that appear in an enclosed small room. Most often, a passive subwoofer is used in home theaters for watching movies with special effects and listening to music. He conveys well

It happens that subwoofer systems do not fit well with the equipment connected to them due to a mismatch between their phase and amplitude-frequency characteristics. To overcome such sound defects, some subwoofers have the ability to adjust the phase and upper frequency.

Types of subwoofers

There are two types of subwoofers: active and passive. Questions arise about how they differ from passive ones, what functions they perform in acoustic systems?

An active subwoofer has a built-in subwoofer that makes it capable of removing low-frequency load from the amplifier. In addition, an active subwoofer has an active crossover, which allows you to filter high frequencies and helps coordinate the operation of the subwoofer with a wideband acoustic system. Quite often it has additional customization options to suit the application. It has a tone and volume control.

Unlike an active subwoofer, a passive subwoofer does not have an amplifier. It is subordinate to the device to which it is connected: to a computer, speaker system. Therefore, it is connected as a supplement to the main stereo speakers. It can also be connected to a separate power amplifier. The main disadvantage of a passive subwoofer is that it creates additional load on stereo channels, which reduces the volume and dynamics of the audio system. But, the higher the sensitivity of the subwoofer, the less it loads the amplifier.

The design features of a passive subwoofer make it difficult to place in the room. It should be moved until a good bass sound is found. that a subwoofer has can be divided into three types: deep (from twenty to forty Hz), medium (from forty to eighty Hz), and high (from eighty to one hundred and sixty Hz) bass. The sound a subwoofer produces depends on the area of ​​the diffuser. The power and organic quality of the bass depends on this.

Subwoofer designs

Based on their design, passive subwoofers are divided into: horn, bass reflex and bandpass. They have their own advantages and disadvantages. The horn subwoofer is located on the wall of the sealed box. Closed types of subwoofers can have large, bulky sizes, despite the fact that they have the ability to reproduce rich, deep bass.

Bass reflex speakers have a speaker that is located in the housing. Most often there is a hole on one side. These types of subwoofers produce lower-pitched bass than closed speakers because the cone travel is increased. They are more suitable for large rooms due to their high volume.

The next type that a passive subwoofer can have is a bandpass subwoofer. It is a bandpass filter that combines the properties of the two types described above. This is manifested in the fact that the subwoofer consists of two parts: a closed box and a bass reflex. Therefore, the sound pressure increases, but the frequency range becomes smaller.

For home use, closed-type or bass-reflex subwoofers are more suitable. When choosing them, you should pay attention to the following. The subwoofer amplifier must exceed one and a half times the power of the speaker system. Compliance with this condition will ensure sound quality.

Speaker systems that are designed to reproduce sound frequencies ranging from 20 to 120 Hz are called subwoofers. The operating principle of this device is to convert electrical signals into acoustic ones. When potential consumers ask what a subwoofer is, the explanation presented above is sometimes not enough. For this reason, specialists have to describe in more detail the technical characteristics of the presented device.

Device types:

  • Active;
  • Passive.

In fact, it is not so difficult to explain what an active subwoofer is, because it is a model that includes a power amplifier in its design, as well as an active crossover. Such devices are capable of receiving and subsequently converting signals related to the line level. Active subwoofers can be connected without problems between the signal source itself, as well as wideband speakers. This type of connection is called end-to-end by specialists. The corresponding subwoofers often have additional capabilities in order to adapt to specific conditions of use. In this situation, we can talk about the steepness of the cut, adjusting the frequency response, the position of the cut points of the crossover itself, etc.

Quite common autonomous active subwoofers are characterized by the fact that they combine in one design not only a subwoofer with a crossover filter, but also a power amplifier of very high quality in terms of its functionality. This type of subwoofer is equipped with linear inputs, which serve to connect to a pre-amplifier, which is very important from a technical point of view. The design also includes linear outputs. They produce a signal that goes to the power amplifier. For ease of use, stand-alone models also include a special regulator in their design, which is designed to control the subwoofer signal. The crossover frequency is also in the vast majority of cases adjustable on the device.

Absolutely logically, motorists are wondering what a passive subwoofer is, which is also very popular among buyers. It should be understood that such models consist not only of a body, but also a speaker. This allows them to connect to a power amplifier without any problems. To put it as simply as possible, a passive subwoofer is one or even several low-frequency heads that were placed in a housing. These heads must be connected to an external amplifier.

There are several options for connecting a passive subwoofer. One of the most famous schemes involves supplying a signal from a stereo amplifier. Subsequently, these same signals are sent not only to the subwoofer, but also to the main speakers. To be fair, it should be noted that this connection option is far from the most desirable. The fact is that this circuit provides for supplying the output signal from the power amplifier to the input of the subwoofer itself. This circumstance leads to the fact that the crossover filter removes low frequencies from the signal. The main speakers subsequently receive the filtered signal.

Types of acoustic design

The simplest type of acoustic design for a subwoofer is a traditional closed box, but this option is definitely not the only one. A fairly well-known type is the bass reflex. In this case, one of the walls of the subwoofer contains a tunnel with a clearly defined diameter and length. An almost identical option is a passive radiator. However, this type of acoustic design contains an additional speaker instead of a tunnel. True, it is not equipped with a magnetic system and voice coil. Another very interesting option is a labyrinth. The back wall of such a subwoofer is designed to work with a zigzag sound guide.

A closed box is a type of design that does not provide for the presence of additional emitters. The box is completely sealed, and on one of its walls there is a woofer. Depending on its design, the quality of the final sound may vary.

Bandpass. This type of design is a bass reflex box. In the middle of this structure there is a special wall that separates the chambers, which differ in different volumes. As for the speaker, it is located directly on the partition between the cameras. It should immediately be noted that this design is characterized by a fairly high efficiency of its operation. As for the name Bandpass, its origin is easy to explain. The fact is that such a housing can without any problems significantly limit the frequency response that the subwoofer has.

Distinctive features of car subwoofers

Knowing thoroughly what an active and passive subwoofer is, it becomes clear that such devices can be installed not only in vehicles, but also in the home. However, the difference lies in the installation process. Home models are very easy to install, but in the case of automobile analogues, certain requirements must be met. It is no coincidence that drivers are actively interested in what a car subwoofer is and its basic technical properties. These models are distinguished by their small volumes, thanks to which they can be easily placed in the trunk.

Main problems

Before you learn about what an active car subwoofer is, it is necessary to consider certain theoretical problems that may subsequently arise. First of all, it should be noted the need to use additional electronics. Initially, the sound quality of the bass may be quite low. Of course, it is important to know what a passive car subwoofer is, but the possible disadvantages should never be ignored. For example, not in all situations the sound of the presented device may coincide with the most basic speakers. It is better to know these and other purely theoretical shortcomings in advance and minimize the likelihood of occurrence during operation.

A fairly common problem is also the situation in which subwoofers are forced to reproduce rather deep bass during their operation. Due to high-quality controllability, this goal is still achieved, but the level of sensitivity of the device increases. This situation causes most subwoofers to sound somewhat slow or exaggerated. It is not uncommon for important parts to be lost.

We should also not forget that subwoofers in certain situations can fill the vehicle with low-frequency energy. As a result, many resonance phenomena occur inside the machine. In order to avoid such consequences, it is necessary to pay special attention to the correct placement of the subwoofer inside the car. If you miss this fact, then there will be a high probability that the so-called “musical results” will not be at the highest level. If you install two subwoofers at the same time, you can somewhat mitigate the problem associated with excitation of car interior frequencies.

Reasons for hearing the subwoofer and not the bass

The highest quality subwoofers are characterized by the absence of cabinet vibration. However, quite often the walls of the housing also emit sound. Other elements and panels may also experience vibration. As a result, the overtones become even more high-frequency. It happens that the problem arises simply because the amplifier filters were configured with some errors.

Among other things, unwanted overtones may well be a logical consequence of air turbulence. Experts clearly know that at fairly low frequencies, the diffuser stroke in most cases is quite significant. When exposed to high temperatures, it can even reach several centimeters. It is clear that in such a situation the air movement will be very significant, and this already leads to turbulence.

The subwoofer manufacturer must have a positive reputation and good reviews. Otherwise, consumers risk purchasing a subwoofer whose housing is characterized by poor quality assembly. That is why before buying a subwoofer you need to study it very carefully. Without exception, all panels of the device must be adjusted in such a way that even minimal gaps are completely absent. As you know, the smallest hole will automatically have a negative impact on the final sound.

So, you've decided to choose a subwoofer for your music system. And we welcome this in every possible way, because we believe that

There’s no way to have a home theater without it...

A subwoofer (and more often than not even one) is a vital thing in a cinema set, because multi-channel sound is an integral part of any film, and for the subwoofer (and not at all for supporting “frail” speakers, as some people think) there are even separate channels with with your own information.

...and its presence in a stereo system is also desirable

Let's look at a couple of typical situations right away.

Let’s say you have your favorite bookshelf speakers, the sound of which you really like, but according to objective parameters they are not capable of “pumping up” the existing room. By adding a subwoofer, you will not change their recognizable sound signature, but will provide a strong bass foundation (expanding the frequency range down).

Another option is moving to a new apartment and realizing that your existing speakers (even floor-standing ones) do not provide the required sound quality in a larger room. “Supporting” them with a subwoofer from below is a nice thing: it’s definitely cheaper than changing the speakers themselves, and possibly the amplifier after them.

It's not just about the bass

A good subwoofer will not only increase the length of the frequency response downwards, it will also significantly relieve the mid- and high-frequency range of the amplifier of the main speakers, making them sound cleaner and more detailed.

Main selection criteria

When choosing a subwoofer for your system, you should focus primarily on the following factors.

Potential of the main speakers.

If these are compact speakers with a lower limit frequency of about 60 - 70 Hz, then almost any, even relatively budget, subwoofer model will suit you (from 10,000 to 20,000₽ ) – for example, Ultimate SYM 5.

If these are full-size floor-standing speakers that can “dig” up to almost 30 Hz, then to really improve their sound quality you will have to fork out for the corresponding subwoofer model, because it will have to lower the lower limiting frequency of the system by almost an octave, and this is - a task for the strong in spirit!

An example is REL subwoofers.

Room parameters

You need to estimate the cubic capacity of the room; the larger it is, the more powerful the subwoofer should be.

Subwoofer manufacturers produce many different models - from the smallest to the very impressive, and you can always choose one that can “pump up” your particular room.

Let's start choosing

The most difficult thing is blending with the main acoustics

The subwoofer and main speakers must match both timbre and dynamically. This is not a qualitative criterion, but rather characterizes the individual style of the speakers, primarily their response speed. It is necessary to achieve a uniform sound texture so that none of the sources stands out from the general choir, and for this it is also important to ensure a seamless frequency junction between the subwoofer and speakers. This can be achieved in two ways, simple and complex:

The simple way – “native” sub

Let's say you are an ardent fan of the monobrand approach to creating an assortment of speakers at home. Then you are in direct contact with products from trusted manufacturers, such as the English Monitor Audio, the German ELAC or the Danish System Audio, which offer many sound solutions within the framework of the assigned tasks. In addition to the quality of workmanship and sound guaranteed by the manufacturer's name, you get uniformity of design and finishing, and also, no less important, the same tonality, due to the structural identity of all acoustic components of the system.

An “alien” subwoofer is difficult, but the result could be better

If it is not possible to assemble the entire system from one manufacturer (or you simply do not set such a goal), then you can turn to a specialized company that produces only subwoofers for help. For example, to such a legendary British manufacturer as REL. Yes, here you will have to tinker with the selection and settings, but the result will definitely not disappoint you.

But what I would like to warn against is attempts to use subs created for a “foreign” model line. In contrast, subwoofers from specialized companies are initially designed to “make friends” with any acoustic system, and it will be easier for you to coordinate the system.

Deciding on the design

The most basic: “caliber”, number and design of speakers

There are, of course, a lot of options, but if we take extreme values, then, say, a subwoofer with an 8-inch paper woofer is more suitable for some kind of desktop bookshelf speakers, and if we are talking about a cinema in a large hall, then we are obviously talking about carbon or metal diffusers with a minimum diameter of 10 - 12 inches.

Acoustic design

It determines the volume of air with which the subwoofer cone in its housing is in contact.

Bass reflex - the most trivial option:with its help you can make a relatively small speaker in a compact case bass, but you will have to come to terms with certain compromises in sound, primarily with “sniffling” - the sounds of the port when an air flow passes through it, as well as with a sharper drop in frequency response after the port tuning frequency, compared to, say, a closed joint-stock company. The result is perceived “as a buzz on one note.”

Passive radiator - an intermediate solution, when another speaker plays the role of a bass reflex, but without a magnetic system. This will save us from sniffling.

The most musical subwoofer - with a closed acoustic design, but it is also the most cumbersome, difficult to calculate and manufacture, and, as a result, not cheap.


Models are most often used as built-in subwoofer amplifiers. The first are traditional; this technology has been around for several decades, and perhaps its only drawback is the difficulty in providing extremely high output power values. Class D models (based on pulse width modulation) lack it, but traditional amplifiers operating on this principle are sometimes accused of lacking musicality.

Now it's a matter of functionality

Just like yogurt, not all subs are created equal. Even if we do not take into account the quality of their development and production, they differ significantly in functional equipment.

When choosing a sub, you need to keep in mind that you will have to connect it to the main system. Therefore, pay attention to the connection methods provided by one or another model.

Switching, tuning and controlling a subwoofer is an almost inexhaustible source of variety. The minimum set that almost everyone has:

  • Signal level
  • Frequency and section slope
  • Phase adjustment

Then various options begin: wireless connection, parametric equalizer, remote control (including using a mobile application) - all these things are useful in their own way, but only if you know how to use them.

Methods for connecting subwoofers to the system

The classic option for connecting a cinema subwoofer is to connect it to a specialized subwoofer output on the AV receiver. The setup microphone and software built into the receiver will do the rest; even the most budget models now have this functionality.

With stereo systems it is a little more complicated - there are no standard connection options and it all depends on the ingenuity and experience of the subwoofer manufacturer, how exactly he provided for the integration of his product.

Are there any atypical connection methods?

Still would! The British company REL, one of the patriarchs of the subwoofer movement, offers three options:

  • traditional linear
  • specialized low-frequency cinema
  • branded high level

For most subwoofers, we implement only a linear connection method. REL considers it the least preferable, suggesting its use only if there is no technical possibility to use other options.

In high-level mode, the subwoofer is actually connected to the amplifier in parallel with the speakers. This connection method ensures that the signal arrives identically to all emitters and ensures the consistency of their operation.

In cinema mode, a dedicated LFE (Low Frequency Effects) channel input is used. But it is possible to use it in parallel with the high-level one, which, according to the manufacturer, will further improve the sound quality.

Thus, REL subwoofers are capable of not only working out low-frequency special effects, but also, at the same time, supporting the main acoustics with bass.

Cinema or music?

If you are looking for a home theater subwoofer, then the main requirements for it should be the developed volume and the absence of extraneous sounds. It’s not for nothing that all these explosions and other sounds are called “effects”, and the subwoofer, in this case, is a tool for their implementation.

If we're talking about music, then the emotionality of the sound comes first, which means shades, overtones and other subtle matters. For them, accuracy and honesty are more important, which lie perhaps not in thunderous power, but in delicacy and detail. Simply put, a subwoofer in a stereo system should play bass notes, not just a single note drone or rumble. And there is only one way to check this: listen to a “potential candidate” in a salon, where they can create conditions similar to those in your home.


Firstly, a subwoofer is a desirable element in almost any audio system - both stereo and multi-channel.

Second, allow some time to choose. First, select 3-5 options based on characteristics, and then come to the salon for an audition. This approach will allow you to narrow down the circle of “candidates” and save time.

Choosing a subwoofer is a difficult but rewarding task. The vibrant surround sound of an updated music system is worth the effort.

We told you how to choose a subwoofer. We'll tell you how to set it up soon!


Low sound frequencies are poorly localized, meaning it is more difficult for a person to determine where the sound is coming from. It turns out that in a multi-band audio system you can make one large low-frequency speaker for the entire system, and keep only mid- and high-frequency speakers in the remaining speakers. This makes the speaker system more compact, reduces cost, and allows you to place a bulky and vibrating subwoofer in a place where it will not be in the way (for example, under a table). In addition, by choosing a suitable location for the subwoofer, you can try to suppress low-frequency standing waves that inevitably arise in a small enclosed room.

The subwoofer is usually used in systems designed for watching modern films rich in special effects and listening to modern music (especially electronic) - convincing transmission of low frequencies is important in them.

A common problem with subwoofer systems is poor matching of the amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of the satellites and the subwoofer. At the junction of the frequency response there can be either a dip or an overestimation of the level due to a mismatch in the frequency range or interference of waves with different phase shifts. Therefore, on some subwoofers it is possible to adjust its upper limit frequency and phase.


Types of subwoofers

In relation to the power amplifier, subwoofers are divided into active and passive.

Active subwoofer has a built-in power amplifier (which allows you to remove the low-frequency load from the amplifier) ​​and an active crossover, which allows you to filter out high frequencies and simplifies the matching of the subwoofer with wideband speaker systems. Can receive a line level signal (with RF already removed) from a separate source channel. Can be connected between the broadband speaker and the signal source (pass-through). Often it has additional capabilities for adjustment to specific application conditions (phase rotation, frequency response adjustment, position of crossover cut points, cut slope).

Passive subwoofer is not equipped with a power amplifier, so it is connected “in parallel” with the main stereo speakers, or to a separate channel of the power amplifier. The main disadvantage of connecting a passive subwoofer through is that it additionally “loads” the output amplifiers of the stereo channels. This sometimes reduces the overall volume and dynamics of the audio system. In addition, the presence of a passive crossover on the signal path from the power amplifier to the speaker system cannot have a positive effect on sound quality. Due to the lack of adjustment tools on board, the passive subwoofer is very demanding when it comes to placement in the room; to configure it, you need to move it until you “find” good bass.

Types of structures

  • Horn loaded subwoofer. The horn is most often folded.
  • Closed box. Type of acoustic design without additional radiators. The low-frequency speaker is installed on one of the walls of the sealed box.
  • Bass reflex (vented box). A type of acoustic design with outputs in the form of tuned pipes from which air exits, thereby radiating sound from the rear of the diffuser. The choice of bass reflex size depends on the parameters of the speaker, the volume of the cabinet and the frequency to which it is tuned. Above the tuning frequency, the bass reflex prevents excessive swinging of the speaker cone, and the sound waves emanating from the rear side of the speaker, passing through the bass reflex, change phase and add up with the waves on the front side. At the tuning frequency, vibrations of the diffuser are minimal, and most of the sound energy is emitted by the bass reflex. The use of a bass reflex allows for increased efficiency compared to a similar closed enclosure, which significantly increases the output at low audio frequencies, and in some cases allows you to expand the frequency range.
  • Passive radiator (passive radiator). This type of acoustic design is akin to a bass reflex. Another diffuser without a voice coil and magnetic system is installed in the housing. The sound wave emanating from the membrane of the passive radiator is added to the wave of the low-frequency speaker. By changing the mass and dimensions of the passive radiator diffuser, you can change the lower operating frequency of the Subwoofer.
  • Bandpass (bandpass) A bass reflex box divided in the middle by an additional wall into chambers of different volumes. The speaker is placed on the partition between the cameras. The efficiency of the design is higher than that of a bass reflex. The name bandpass comes from the cabinet's ability to limit the frequency response of the subwoofer.

Designation for multi-column systems

Multi-column systems are usually denoted as “number of satellites. number of subwoofers”, that is:

  • 2.1 - two speakers and a subwoofer;
  • 4.1 - four speakers and a subwoofer;
  • 5.1 - five speakers and a subwoofer;
  • 7.1 - seven speakers and one subwoofer;
  • 7.2 - seven speakers and two subwoofers;
  • 7.4 - seven speakers and four subwoofers;

see also

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